Italy’s Economy Vindicates Skeptics of Big Government
Diana Furchtgott-Roth, from Real Clear Markets, has written the following article stressing how Italy has substantial problems in their economy. The EU forces Italy to buy subsidized alternative energy...
View ArticleFreedomWorks Launches the “Market Freedom Project” to Expose Special Interest...
Jackie Bodnar from FreedomWorks announces the launch of a new FreedomWorks initiative to expose corporate welfare and cronyism. Grassroots activist will start targeting crony corporations like General...
View ArticleGoogle Reluctantly Cozying Up with Government
One common anxiety is the notion that businesses have a capacity to essentially buy the government outright and doing so corrupts our politics. Yet such a view seems to downplay the government’s own...
View ArticleInspector General Report Reveals That the Pentagon Overpays on Everything
According to the Department of Defense’s Inspector General, the Pentagon overpays on almost everything they buy. The report highlights such things as helicopter parts which were overpaid for between...
View ArticleFederal Government Added 400 New Crimes Since 2008
In 2008 there were 4,450 federal crimes, but that number has grown by over 400 since 2013. A report from the Congressional Research Service revealed that 452 new crimes were added to the books bringing...
View ArticleCash For Clunkers Cost Taxpayers $3 Billion
According to a study from Texas A&M University, the Car Allowance Rebate System Act cost taxpayers $3 billion. The program, otherwise known as ‘Cash for Clunkers,’ gave individuals who traded in...
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